I’ve finally accepted that another summer has passed and am now embracing the charms of Autumn. Flabbergasted at those plot holders with little or nothing to do, one year into our green fingered journey, the position of having nothing to do is far off!

Here’s my little list of October allotment potterings, in no particular order…
- Dig over the (to be) onion bed and plant the new sets
- Re-locate the strawberry patch, making a new row from the best of the runners
- Pick the last of the tomatoes & compost the plants
- Cut down the runner beans (well what there is over them), dig the roots into the soil (nitrogen) and compost the rest
- Plant the Elephant Garlic
- Dig over the old strawberry patch & sow Arctic King Lettuce
- Plant the Rosemary at the allotment
- Plant the chrysanthemum & roses
- Plant the red-currant bush
- Move the gooseberry bush
- Plant the little broccoli plants into a membraned area
- Continue with my wine bottle edging project
- Harvest anything that’s ready (mainly beetroot & raspberries)
- Sow green manure
- General digging & weeding
- Sow broad beans outdoors
- Sow sweet peas indoors
I’m sure there are many things I have forgotten that should be on that list, I may be back with an update! I’d love to hear what you’re doing this time of year!
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