Overwinter Nitrogen Fixing Rye Vetch Mix

Today the main task was the bean bed. This year I had used this space for potatoes so it was ready for a good clear up and my first sowing of some green manure.

I went on somewhat of a mission to get this dug over and weeded! Almost two hours later and I was ready to throw my winter rye about merrily and rake it in. To be honest I don’t think I bought enough for the area, so will be making a purchase of another couple of packets from here.
Hopefully the green manure will be happy enough and my beans will be an improvement on this year (which wouldn’t be hard!).
Other little jobs that I managed to do also today was plant our rosemary plant, it hadn’t been looking too happy in the pot at home, I thought it would be a nice addition to our ‘herb garden’ at the allotment.
I also had a lovely little rose that we thought had died in it’s pot, but after a little TLC from hubby is looking well again, I have popped that in at the top of the allotment. Hopefully it will grow nicely there and add a bit of colour. I’m also hoping to get more and more plants and flowers to attract the bees.

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5 thoughts on “Green Manure”

  1. I have used various green manures but am fondest of the ones I do not have to dig in. Phacelia is too beautiful a flower to destroy any plants that over winter.
    I have cheated and bought mustard seed from the indian grocery shop for a lot less than a seed shop. It works really well!

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