
A half term and bar a few colds we are all well, a rare occurrence indeed! My allotment ‘to do’ list (for which I have been using both Wunderlist and my Bullet Journal ) has been growing by the day, seeds have been arriving through the front door and we hadn’t, until this week, got off our bottoms.

So much to do but hubby’s getting a little frustrated with the amount of stuff I have in the garage awaiting it’s final home at the allotment, so I thought we’d start with the fencing and get some of those larger items shifted!


Having cleared away a large section of the old chicken wire fence (that I have yet to decide what to do with – I’ll find something!) I set about putting my new heavy duty fence post rammer in to action! I had toyed with possibly not using one of these but the posts went in so easily that I’m please that I did. I must admit though that our fence ‘posts’ were actually tree stakes but they are plenty hardy enough for our lightweight fencing, which is more of a barrier and deterrent to entry rather than secure fencing and a lot cheaper too when covering such a large area.

I had also ordered some fencing nails but along with some wire, I think they have been eaten by the garage monster, they will no doubt turn up when the fencing is complete. Being the inpatient creature that I am I set to work with the wire fence and the staple gun, which surprisingly gave a really secure attachment, I may go over with the fencing nails when I find them but I think it will be ok without.


I have to say that I’m really pleased with how it’s gone so far! I’m about half way and that only took around an hour or so. I’m really looking forward to getting the rest done for the complete look!

I’ll no doubt share some pictures of continued work in progress and when I’ve finished. Follow on instagram and facebook @diggingtheearth.

Sarah xvegetables-illustration-footer

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2 thoughts on “Attempting a Spot of Fencing!”

  1. This is very timely as I need to sort out my allotment fence, or lack of it. It’s a bit daunting, I have no idea where to start so am glad to read that your fencing project was a success.

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