I try to grow my onions from seed, but I couldn’t resist this pack of my favourite Red Barron onions from home bargains, just 99p!

After preparing a bed and making sure the last of the weeds were removed from the soil, I used a line in to keep things neat and popped them in! I usually sow onion sets so that their ‘heads’ are just showing through the earth.

Our family eats red onions nearly every day, so I look forward to harvesting these in late summer. We love to enjoy them in lots of ways, raw in salads, caramelised with Quorn sausages; they are also great caramelised and popped on top of leek and potato soup, with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar!
I may then sow some more straight into the ground around September/October, which will over-winter, giving me a head-start on next year.
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