We recently purchased four 1m x 1m raised beds to fill an area of allotment that wasn’t used for growing; it was more of a dumping ground. The new beds have brought the space to life.

As if our new raised bed venture was meant to be, we were then very kindly gifted a couple of beauties from a neighbouring plot!

After a couple of hours of graft, I’d managed to get the lovely wooden beds emptied and moved to our plot. Next comes the task of filling them. Luckily after some groundwork at home, I have plenty of topsoil spare that I will be using and a good measure of hardcore that will make excellent drainage and can go on the bottom, with some compost added on top.

Before filling, I’ll ensure to line them well (I’m using old compost bags stapled into place) and add a few holes for drainage.

I’m looking forward to filling them with year-round salad!

Here are Just Some of the Benefits of raised bed gardening

• Depending on their height, raised beds can be easier to maintain for those with back or mobility issues. You can grow anywhere you can fit a bed, even on top of concrete or a small patio.

• It’s easier to keep small children, pets, and feet off raised beds.

• Creating covers and netting vegetables can be more accessible when using a raised bed.

• They look fabulous if you’re into the kitchen garden vibe.

• It’s straightforward to organise your veg into manageable areas.

• They have excellent drainage.

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Instagram @sarah.diggingtheearth.org.uk


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