When growing organic fruit and vegetables on your allotment, companion planting is a clever and natural way to boost your plants’ health, protect them from pests, and increase your harvest. But what exactly is it?

What is Companion Planting?

Companion planting involves growing certain plants together to benefit each other. These “companions” work in harmony to improve soil quality, deter pests, attract helpful insects, or even improve the flavour of your produce. Think of it as teamwork in your allotment!

Examples of Companion Planting

• Carrots and Onions: Onions help keep carrot flies away, while carrots discourage onion flies.

• Beans and Sweetcorn: Climbing beans can use sweetcorn as a natural support, and both thrive together.

• Marigolds and Tomatoes: Marigolds are a pest deterrent and can keep harmful nematodes away from your tomato plants.

• Cabbage and Dill: Dill attracts predatory insects that feed on cabbage-loving pests like aphids and caterpillars.

Why Use Companion Planting?

1. Natural Pest Control: Say goodbye to chemical pesticides and let nature help.

2. Healthier Plants: Certain plants release nutrients into the soil that benefit their neighbours.

3. More Space, More Growth: Companion planting makes efficient use of limited space by pairing plants that complement each other.

Tips for Getting Started

• Plan your planting before the growing season begins.

• Rotate your crops each year to maintain soil health.

• Experiment with combinations—trial and error will help you find what works best on your allotment.

By adding companion planting to your organic gardening routine, you’ll create a thriving, eco-friendly space for your fruit and veg.

Let me know how you get on!

Sarah 🌻





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