January at an Allotment in Derbyshire!

We kicked off the year with a trip to Iceland, which was absolutely fantastic. It’s back to reality now, and I’m happy to say I don’t mind returning to work. It’s also that special time of year when we begin to plan the allotment and the growing season ahead. It’s no secret that our allotment has been neglected, but we shall enter the year with positivity and a determination to grow our own food again; I yearn for those summer months, wandering around the plot with my basket, harvesting something fresh for tea.

The Future of the Allotment

It’s coming up to 2 years since our lives changed forever, and we are still adjusting. It’s an ongoing difficult process that has been consumed by everything but writing. Just when I think I’m finding the time and the will to write again, life gets in the way.

Raised Bed Gardening

Just as we embarked on raised bed gardening, as if meant to be, we were gifted two large wooden raised beds from a lovely allotment neighbour.

We Were Gifted Raised Beds!!

The past few weeks have been incredibly difficult. A visit to Justinโ€™s favourite spot in Wales to spread his ashes, accompanied by a chest infection had me feeling pretty low. I am so thankful for all that joined us there, again, holding us up when we were struggling. Back in action again at the allotment…