The from the top of Mam Tor showing hills and roads in the distance

Life is Indeed a Rollercoaster!

We were doing so well the kids’ vaccinations were imminent, and we were breezing into the Autumn months with plans of sowing our onions and garlic at the weekend. Boom, COVID hits our household like a tonne of bricks, likely caught at school.

When are my potatoes ready?

When we first embarked on growing our own potatoes, we found that’s there a little more to it than chucking them in. I’m talking first earlies, earlies and main crop.

A Break from Blogging

It’s been a little over a year since my last blog post; it was never my intention to take a break but after transitioning to full-time work (I work part-time for a care company and part-time for myself), it’s the way that things panned out.

The Recycled Greenhouse

We have taken this opportunity (it’s fairly empty) to restrengthen and recover. Well, when I say recover I mean to make use of all the odds and sods bits of plastic and glass we have. Including an old patio door, old shower doors and abandoned greenhouse parts.