Happy Broad Beans – Aquadulce Claudia

One of the few veg I absolutely have to plant each year is the broad beans, with varying success each time but as you can see from the photo’s I’m please to say that our broad beans thus far are doing rather well! These were planted into some general compost on the 11th of November and wrapped toasty in the greenhouse, by the look of it I should be potting them on ASAP!!

Moving the Rhubarb

With the plan to use one of our, now three plots, as a low maintenance ‘fruit plot’. I had been waiting for the best time to relocate our rhubarb plants from their current position on our first original plot to this new space dedicated just to fruit. It also gives me a chance to cover…

Autumn at the Allotment

Having spent just a couple of half days โ€˜up the allotmentโ€™ over the past couple of weeks, with a clear list of jobs, we seem to have gotten a lot done!!

Watering Whilst Away

For us, the end of the school year is fast approaching and thoughts have turned to wrapping up work projects (at Evoke Visual), checking travel arrangements and digging out the cases. I think that this year will be different, in that the allotment is also going to need a little holiday planning too in order…

3 Plots! We Must Be Mad!

Well a fair bit has happened since I last wrote. On almost filling up our original plot, it came to the time a month or so ago when the pumpkin plants were ready to go out. On having either planted or allocated the majority of the space we had I was left scratching my head…