Our New Allotment Trolley

For a while now we have been struggling with moving stuff between the house and the allotment, whether it be seedlings that I have started off at home or larger items like slabs or fence posts. In my wisdom I bought a fiat 500c, just after we took on the allotment, not a great choice!…

A Brand New Year at the Allotment!

Happy New Year! After a really difficult 2016, unfortunately our time at the allotment tapered off in the last quarter of the year and boy did I miss the place. Now here we are, a brand new year and a fresh start, I’ve been doing a spot of allotment shopping and I can’t wait to…

Catch Up

It’s been well over eight weeks since I last worked at the allotment, it has been such a rough time for much of the Autumn that my gardening has taken a hit. Those that follow me on instagram (@diggingtheearth) will know that I had been supporting my Auntie through her end of life care. Something…

Making a new strawberry patch…

Now that the strawberries have well and truly “gone over” I decided to tidy up the patch by cutting back all of this years foliage, along the way I gathered up the multitude of runners that had developed. Most of them had rooted within the straw of the bed and were easy enough to put…

The Raspberry Glut

It’s blissful to be back on the plot again, and I’m beginning to understand the “gluts” that people have spoken about. Our first year “in production” gave us some fruit and veg which I was thrilled with but definitely not more than we could cope with. I am noticing though, that our raspberries are very…

A Busy Little Plot!

The plot has been fantastically busy of late and we are taking home lots of fresh fruit and veg! Such a great feeling after so much work!