Easter Ground Preparations

We are not particularly big fans of either method of dig or no dig and are pretty open minded to both still, continuing to experiment as we go along, this gives us somewhat of a patchwork plot, some covered with a layer of organic matter for the winter, some parts covered with plastic and membrane and others simply winter dug over. I quite like the variety.

Organising Seeds for the Year Ahead

Each year, before I start ordering I like to take a look through all of the seeds that I already have. Invariably I end up with a few stashes here there and everywhere. My first job is to gather them all up and bring them home from the allotment.

Autumn at the Allotment

Having spent just a couple of half days ‘up the allotment’ over the past couple of weeks, with a clear list of jobs, we seem to have gotten a lot done!!

Popping in the Celery

I was lucky enough this week to be given some lovely healthy little celery seedlings. It’s such a lovely community at the allotment, everyone swapping and eager to share their ‘babies’!

The Allotment in Spring Time! 

It’s been a busy time of things here! This spring is the first that I’ve actually been able to get some seeds started ready for the allotment and we’re all finding it very exciting! Our first spring on the plot was a little less organised, not for lack of hard work, but we just didn’t…

Looking at Rubbish a Little Differently!

Shortly after taking on the allotment, just over a year ago, I have more and more been learning to look at rubbish a little differently! Just recently I have been making use, as I’m sure many do, of yogurt pots and food trays, everything suddenly seems to be a vessel for sowing seeds when you…