After completing my allotment plan I have a weird desire for it all to actually be as neat as the drawing! One of the ways that really help to organise space and get those seeds in exactly where you want them is seed tape. You can buy seed tape ready made, you just have to…
Our Allotment Plan 2016
I’ve had lots of fun over the past couple of months creating my plan for our dream allotment and here it is! There’s no hard and fast rules about sticking to this but I’m happy to have a great guide in my pocket of how I saw things fitting in at the beginning of the year.…
January Missions 2016 & Planning
One of my main goals for our growing season ahead is to become more organised so that we become really efficient and produce a better crop. I’ll be carefully planning my jobs for each month and as I love technology so much (comes with the day job!) I’ll be using it wherever I can to better organise myself.…
Back to it…Weeding the Leeks!
First day back at the allotment this year and what a sorry sight it was too! Little and often is going to be the way forward for us this year, so I set an hour aside for some tidying up! We really haven’t got a lot up there that could have been damaged by the storms but there was…
Sowing Broad Beans in Autumn
When flicking through my gardening books, wondering what else I could get into the ground at this time of year, I’ve noticed broad beans (fava) mentioned a few times. I thought I’d give it a go with a pack of 20 Aquadulce, suitable for Autumn to Spring sowing. Purchased from In still having a decent…
Elephant Garlic
Today we decided to get our elephant garlic in! For one of our cloves (purchased from The Range), we thought we’d make use of this tyre. Using it to create a corner to our pathway, and of course, we’d know where the garlic was! The kids were chuffed to take responsibility for planting these! Apparently,…