It’s coming up to 2 years since our lives changed forever, and we are still adjusting. It’s an ongoing difficult process that has been consumed by everything but writing. Just when I think I’m finding the time and the will to write again, life gets in the way.
Book Review: Allotment Month by Month – Alan Buckingham
“Allotment Month by Month” is a comprehensive guide that is invaluable for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. Written by Alan Buckingham, offers a systematic and accessible approach to cultivating a thriving allotment throughout the year.
Writing Again – Derbyshire Times 2023
Itโs taken many false starts to get writing again but I think Iโve finally cracked it!
Raised Bed Gardening
Just as we embarked on raised bed gardening, as if meant to be, we were gifted two large wooden raised beds from a lovely allotment neighbour.
The Grotty Part of Growing Your Own Veg!
Thereโs something about home-grown, though, that puts people off – sometimes it can be a bit, well, manky!
We Were Gifted Raised Beds!!
The past few weeks have been incredibly difficult. A visit to Justinโs favourite spot in Wales to spread his ashes, accompanied by a chest infection had me feeling pretty low. I am so thankful for all that joined us there, again, holding us up when we were struggling. Back in action again at the allotment…
Grief as I see it
Grief is a very dark place full of memories of what has been and dashed hopes of what would be…